Where Moms Connect – A group where moms can connect with one another on a regular basis and encourage each other in motherhood, their relationship with God, and the craziness of raising children. We discuss topics such as digital-age parenting, taking time for yourself without feeling guilty, scheduling/time management, discipline, marriage, faith at home, depression/anxiety, conflict management/speaking the truth in love. This group meets on Sundays from 11:15 a.m. to noon during the school year. Nursery provided. Contact Renee Delgado, Discipleship Pastor, for more information.

Line Dancing (Co-Ed) – Line Dancing is a fun way to exercise and meet new people. All ages and skill levels are invited. Meets on Mondays, Sept to May, from 7 – 8 p.m. in the sanctuary. Contact Connie Hall at 282-8639. 

United Methodist Men – a monthly fellowship for men who center themselves in prayer, discipleship, and serving the community and the world. Contact Dieter Henss to be added to their email distribution list. More information about United Methodist Men can be found here.

Book Group – If you enjoy reading, a book group may be an excellent entry point for you to join a small group.  Meets the first Thursday of the month (September through June) from 7-8:30 p.m. in room 118. Contact: Pat Hinkins