Rev. T. Bryson Smith – Lead Pastor

When he’s not turning pens, listening to some sweet vinyl, or trying to take a nap, he’s usually having a dance party with his twin daughters Mac and Madi, listening to his son Jackson play an original song on guitar, or cooking something
with wife Lori.
Bryson loves serving and sharing in ministry and seeing people “get it!” He’d love to sit down for a biscuit with you or a bowl of ice cream!!
T. Bryson Smith is an ordained Elder in the United Methodist Church. He earned a BA in Religion from Ferrum College in 1994 and a Master of Divinity from The Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington D.C. Bryson has served churches
in Northern Virginia, Blacksburg, and Staunton and began serving Good Shepherd UMC during the summer of 2018.
Rev. Lisa McGehee – Executive Pastor

Lisa is married to Donald, who has a passion for organic gardening. They love to spend time hiking on the trails surrounding Richmond and throughout the mountains of Virginia. Their newest goal is the Master Hiker Certification through
the Virginia State Parks – they have hiked 22 of 41 parks.
Lisa is an ordained Deacon in the United Methodist Church. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Mass Communications from Virginia Commonwealth University in 1988 and a Master of Divinity from Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond.
She also studied at Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond. She is a RUAH School of Spiritual Direction at Richmond Hill graduate and is an experienced retreat leader.
Rev. Renee Delgado – Discipleship Pastor

Renee and her husband, Mike, have three children. Renee enjoys time with family and friends, listening to music, exercising, cheering on her kids in their many activities, and planning her next trip to the beach!
Renee is an Ordained Deacon in the United Methodist Church. She graduated from James Madison University with a degree in Early Childhood Education. In 2019, she earned a Master of Arts degree from Wesley Theological Seminary and completed Children’s Ministry and Christian Education coursework at Pfeiffer University.
The Delgado family have been members of GSUMC since 1995, and Renee has been on staff as the Children’s Minister since 2010.
JP Maher – Worship Media Director

Born and raised in Richmond, VA, you can usually see JP, his wife, and their daughter roaming around the city and checking out the latest events! JP’s favorite activities include spending time with family, new technology, and fixing things he may or may not have broken!
JP is a VCU School of Business graduate with a degree in information systems.
Laura Maher – Social Media Director
Laura is married to JP, the Good Shepherd UMC Media Director, and loves working with him on all things church technology. She also enjoys being Room Mom for her daughter’s classroom, writing as a book reviewer for NetGalley, baking, and hiking with the family across Virginia.
Laura has a bachelor’s degree in American history and a minor course of study in communications from the University of Mary Washington. In January 2020, she began freelancing as a social media manager for several small businesses and has enjoyed growing that role. She is excited to pair her love of influencing through social media with her love of ministry and reaching into the digital world to make disciples of Jesus Christ! Laura serves on the VAUMC Conference Board of Communications, the Three Notch’d District Board of Church Location and Building, and is a Certified Lay Minister.
Mark Nedervelt – Youth Minister
Mark is married to his wife, Debbie, and has three grown children and several grandchildren. Mark enjoys time with his family and working outside. He enjoys almost any sport and likes camping, fishing, and dabbling in cooking when
he has time.
Mark has a Bachelor’s Degree from Farris State College in Printing and Business Management. He has worked in Sales and Business management for most of his life. He has thoroughly enjoyed working with and mentoring children throughout his adult life – whether it be through coaching and refereeing soccer, working with the church youth through Sunday school, or back in the day working with Karen Albro and others putting together Vacation Bible School.
Working with children has always had a special place in his heart, and in the last ten years, he felt called to work with the Youth more. He began volunteering with the Youth, and when the opportunity came about to become a staff member for the church, God had answered some unspoken prayers.
He has been a member here at GSUMC for 26 years and feels blessed to have been a part of such a wonderful church family for almost half his life.
Elizabeth Scribner, Director of Worship Arts

Elizabeth’s life work is to help birth music that ushers beauty into this world; music that build’s bridges; music that raises up a new spiritual paradigm. Elizabeth aspires to be a Gardner, Cheerleader, Coach, Co-journeyer, Co-pilot, Guide, and Collaborator…helping all to co-create beautiful, bold, bountiful, and boundless music. She believes that when we courageously raise our voices and play our instruments, we are following God’s commission: “Jesus came singing Love. He lived singing Love. He died singing Love. He rose in silence. If the song is to continue, we must do the singing.”
Elizabeth’s music education includes an undergraduate degree in Music and Piano from Western Connecticut University in Danbury, CT and a Masters in Music Education and Choral Conducting from the University of Bridgeport in Bridgeport, CT. In addition, she holds a Masters in Spiritual Psychology from Holy Names University in Oakland, CA and a certification in Sound Healing from the Globe Institute in San Francisco, CA.