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Seeing God at Work and Experiencing God’s Provision

Good Shepherd is a special community of hope and peace. Our purpose statement reads, “Good Shepherd Church exists as an instrument of God’s grace to build a community of hope and peace where lives are transformed into the image of Christ.” As followers of Jesus, we grow in Christ through worship, Christian discipleship, acts of piety and mercy, and our commitment to the stewardship of God’s resources. We gather together, transformed, and resurrected in the power of Christ to make a difference in a world – a world that desperately needs hope, a world that yearns for peace and justice. Such a vision requires financial resources. Offering God the first fruits of our resources spreads God’s love.

·We continue to increase learning and fellowship opportunities for all ages.

·Our ESL Program for Children and Adults continues to increase in the number of children participating and volunteers.

·We continually give financial support to missions significantly above our operating fund giving. This includes our Connectional giving beyond apportionments, such as Communion offerings, bus tickets for residents of Liberation Veteran Services, UMCOR, and much more.

· We have paid all of our Connectional Apportionments since 2011.

We are a congregation dedicated to spreading hope and peace in order to transform lives and be a part of God’s New Creation. Maybe, in this season of your life, you cannot go on a mission trip or be as actively involved as you would like at Good Shepherd; but there is a way you can greatly impact every single ministry in this vital congregation. Through your financial gifts, you are a stakeholder in God’s work; you make a difference as you express your gift of generosity!

Throughout these pages, we have information regarding:
Narrative Budget
2023 Stewardship Commitment – use this link to pledge via a secure online form
Online Giving

God is moving in amazing ways at Good Shepherd, and we invite you to join this movement. Please take a moment to look at the links to learn the multiple ways you can give at Good Shepherd. For more information, contact the church office at 804.270.7613 or by email.