Praise God through Song – Music is an integral part of not only our worship liturgy, but it is also a way that you can offer praise to God. If you like to lift up your voice in song, consider joining the Celebration Choir. Our Celebration Choir leads us in worship and during special seasons such as Advent and Holy Week. Our Handbell Choir plays several times a year and during special seasons.
Prior singing or handbell experience is unnecessary; all you need is a heart willing to sing a joyful noise unto the Lord. A bonus benefit is getting to know new people.
The Celebration Choir meets Wednesdays from 7-8:15pm. They are hoping for more new singers as we approach the Lent and Easter season!
The Handbell Choir meets Wednesdays from 6-6:45pm.
The Handbell Choir is seeking, for a short-term commitment, one additional ringer. This ringer would need to read bass clef and be physically able to lift two three-pound bells. There will be two practices and one performance – Sunday, March 2.
With questions or to participate, reach out to our Director of Worship Arts, Elizabeth, at worshiparts@gsumcrva.org.