Every Sunday morning, children begin worship in the sanctuary with their families. On the second through the fourth Sundays of the month, children are invited to Kids Worship in our education hallway after the children’s message. Kids Worship is an interactive and engaging time where kids experience God’s love through music, Bible stories, and activities. After we worship together with music and a story, the children pick which activities they want to do. Activities vary each Sunday and include things like games, arts and crafts, writing, and science experiments. Activities reinforce the Bible story and the life applications to that story. We use Group’s Simply Loved curriculum in preschool – 5th grade which provides consistency for the family.

Research shows how important it is for children to experience and participate in worship. One way that Good Shepherd offers space for children to be in worship is our Kids’ Corner. On the first Sunday of the month, the children remain in worship during the entire service. They are invited to join Miss Renée after Children’s Message in the Kids’ Corner to participate in quiet activities like reading books, coloring, crosswords, prayer stations, etc. A rug on the floor in the front right corner of our worship space. It is amazing what children will just “pick up” as they attend “big church.” On the remaining Sundays in the month, children are invited to come to worship until Children’s Message and then attend Kids Worship.
We are blessed that Good Shepherd is a congregation that loves children and values children in worship!