Our teaching series this Lent is entitled The Games We Play.
A note from Senior Pastor Bryson Smith:
Forrest Gump once said: “Life is like a box of chocolate: you never know what you’re gonna get.” I don’t want to disagree with Forrest, but what if I told you instead that life is more like a game that we get to play? It’s funny how the games we often play can actually teach us about some of the movement in our lives. Who knew that some of our favorite childhood games had deep theological meaning? During the season of Lent, we have the opportunity to take a look inside ourselves and consider growing in our relationship with God and others. Join us this Lent beginning on Wednesday, March 5!

Wednesday, March 5: Ash Wednesday

Join us as we begin the season of Lent with Ash Wednesday worship. At noon, we will offer a simple liturgy and the imposition of ashes. At 7pm, we will have a live-streamed and in-person full worship service with imposition of ashes, liturgy, music, and more. This sacred time invites us to reflect and prepare our hearts for the journey to Easter.

Thursday, April 17: Maundy Thursday

Friday, April 18: Good Friday

Telebrae, Latin for “shadow” or “darkness” is a service dating back to the 4th century.
Candles are lit and gradually extinguished as the passion of Jesus is boldly proclaimed by multiple voices.
Music, sights, and sounds enhance this story of betrayal, abandonment, and agony.
It is dark. It is disturbing. Yet, it is moving and meaningful.
It leaves us feeling as if the story is unfinished…because it is. Until Easter Day.

Come experience Tenebrae at 7pm. This service will be in-person and live streamed.

Sunday, April 20: Easter Sunday

We are excited to celebrate the resurrected Christ with you on a joyous Easter Sunday! We have several opportunities to gather in worship:

6:30am Sunrise Service: Join us on the front lawn (weather permitting) as we celebrate by the light of sunrise. Please bring your own chairs!
Everyone is welcome to a light breakfast prepared by our United Methodist Men between the Sunrise Service and our 8:30am service.
8:30am: Indoor worship celebrating Easter Sunday!
10am: Indoor and live-streamed worship celebrating Easter Sunday

Nursery available for infants through 3 year olds. Children’s Worship will not meet, but children will have an opportunity to prepare and enjoy activity bags while seated with their families.